Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I'm finally leaving for good!

Baby, you're leaving me again. Sigh, and I had to keep to what I promise to surrender after you are sentence. I need to help daddy do some stuff so that I can only go back at Sunday. I hope you'll behave yourself well, so that one and a half year later you'll discharge. I don't wish to see you getting your sentence extend to more than one and a half year. Sigh, I'd no idea why I don't dare to look at you when I'm in the court. I miss you but when I look at you I feel like crying. I'm sorry for all those time I let you down, I promise to wait. But please don't let me down by giving me empty promises. It's good if I go back soon, cause it's driving me insane staying outside. Thanks for those memories you gave me that whenever I think of it make me smile hard. Somehow by just thinking back can brighten up a few hours of my day. All I was hoping now is you'll change when you come out. I guess you must be feeling regretful too. Don't worry time will be fast, don't think too much. Don't have to worry any single thing outside alright? Luv ya, hope that everything gonna continue like the same way we had before. Gonna hope for the best and prepare for the worst. (: I guess I'm getting used to the life you're not around but still having the present of you. I miss you dearly. My last resquest, please be good.

Guess I also no need to say much already. I'd gave all the best I can. I'd no much time to try already too. Just take good care of yourself, look brighter in relationship. "Don't be a girl that need man, be a girl that man need". (: Jiayoujiayou. Don't be sucha silly to commit sucided for a guy again. Life move on, you can find a better one I'm sure. Look you're living so much better now. Some guys just don't worth your scarifice. Hope that you can stable down with the job you're having now. Hopefully by the time when I discharge you and I can be like the past. Thanks for being there when I'm feeling alone. You brought me up for the last heartbreak I had. All thanks to you, partly me and WeiKiong's can get together also because of you. Be strong in life, okay?
As what I've said, thank you for those time when you're here. Although you brought me down when I needed you the most, but you see god give me better things in life. But I still learn alot from you. Life give you experience and lesson to learn, and never repeat the same mistakes. I guess I'd not owe you anything anymore. But no matter what I still owe you a "ren qing". I hope you'll change and go back to the time when you earn lots of cash. Look those time when you're earning money people come to you. Please be more realistic in life, learn to see people more clearly. Not everyone who treat you good, don't ask for any return or want nothing from you. I hope the next time when I see you, you'll be someone successful. (: JIAYOU! Tje most wonderful one is still your parents.
Eightyone, thanks for the time when you're here for me whenever I'm facing relationship problem. Although we've drift but at least we once were close before, sharing those happy and sad times together! (: Hope you can really find someone that you can stable down with. Anyway wish you all the best in life alright? Jiayou!
I guess you would really like to know if I'm lying to you. Trust me what I've told you is all true. No point hiding things for her too, she had already asked me to tell you everything. Really nothing happen between the both of us, don't worry alright? She had never touch me after I had a boyfriend, even if she want I also don't want. Hehe, what's past is all past already. No point blaming on you or her either. Well, you see I get something better in return now. So I'm not gonna blame you for that already. I can't deny at the start I may get things difficult for us, but now no, I won't anymore. Anyway thanks for coming over to the court to look for me, after my boyfriend sentence. All the best to you too! Find a better job ba, night life can never last for long. (:
Jasmine Darling, kinda miss those time when we spend our days together. Those days was all laughing away. Although those are all over but at least we once enjoy before. Sorry that I can't turn up for your birthday. Please remember what I told you uh! Meet you up, when I'm back! (: Love ya!

Wao, now become people lao bu already. Last time see you breast also bo, suddenly become mother. Time is really passing so fast~ Jiayou uh! When I comeout I wanna see your son fatfat one eh! HEHE, goodluck to those crying sound you gonna face thru the years. Jiayou~ (:

And for those who care, good luck~ Love all my people!

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